IMPORTANT NOTICES: UPS shipping NOT choose USPS products
OUR TIRE warehouse IS operating NORMALLY 5 weekdays. Same-Day Shippings on Tires
ACCEPTING ONLINE ORDERS ONLY. DO NOT SELECT Priority Mail or EXPRESS Mail....pricing is wrong.
Note: -RUSH SERVICES: Do not choose express mail. USPS Pprice APP is bogus. Will result in UPS or USPS ground,
We are staffed for SHIPPING TIRES SAME DAY via
Communication is currently limited to EMAIL ONLY. Please Email us at
USE A RELEVANT SUBJECT LINE with a TOPIC. Generic "question" or 'Part Inquiry' subject lines will be read last.
Anonymous Emails will not be seen. PLEASE Proudly Use your name, City-State-Zip
ORDERS placed here, as well as Emailed ORDERS including tires, as well as WILL BE REPLIED TO BY EMAIL, Thank You Jon and Todd:
Office Hours 9a - 3P PT. Close Friday Noon.
Weekends, US Holidays CLOSED, but we answer emails to:
SHIPPING : Thank You for your Patience! We are essentially a part-time-plus buisness. We try to ship within 24-48 hours of your ORDER. IF you order priority., rush shipping etc we will triage those orders soonest. If you order via Ground / Standard services, we usually ship within 48-72 hours. VPRA site "automatically" Emails your tracking infos as we generate them..
If you cannot wait 2-3 business days for domestic standard shipping to occur, please do NOT place an order during these understaffed times. Sorry. We apologize for the inconvenience. If you can be patient, we welcome and appreciate your orders. INTERNATIONAL ORDERS ARE STRONGLY DISCOURAGED. SORRY. No Export Rush Shipments.
THis web program does a crappy job at estimating internation ship costs. They ALMOST ALWAYS will result in add-on export adjustments. So we may ask you for follow up costs on export orders.
PartsRack Warehouse is are answering most Emails promptly, sent to If your Viper is stalled / parked / disabled and IF you request express shipping, we will try to help. No Guarantee. But miscellaneous doo-dad item orders must wait a bit, Sorry. PLEASE Avoid SELECTing EXPRESS SHIPPINGS. WE CANNOT HONOR SAME DAY SHIPMENTS WITHOUT PRIOR EMAIL OR VERBAL AGREEMENT
Thank You, Jon, Todd, Paul.
EXPORT HEADACHES: Export Packages take 5 days to reach export hubs. Origin POSTAL services then quarantine many export Euro and even Canada shipments for a minimum of 14 days.
We are seeing export deliveries take 8 weeks total, and things seem to be getting worse. WE MAY BE FORCED TO REFUSE SOME EXPORT ORDERS. YOU WILL BE CONTACTED BEFORE YOU ARE BILLED. NOTE: Minimum S/H export postal cost will be revised to $55 despite what store computes.....
A NOTE ABOUT VIPER TIRES!!! WE HAVE VIPER TIRES, and have sold over $5,15 0,000 in Viper sized tires. But NOT FROM THIS WEBSITE! So Please do NOT use this site to determine Tire price or Availabiity. Please Email for your Viper tire needs. Thanks. Jon has tires for all Generations, but some stocks are very low.
Did you know? As of late 2015, the website and remaining inventory of Viper Parts of America (VPA) were sold to PartsRack Inc. and Don Scharf Automotive. These two companies have partnered many times in the past 23 years to purchase bulk, surplus inventories from a variety of Dodge, Chrysler, and OE MFR entities.
This site has over 2,500 products, some of which are not available new from Mopar, or from the used parts marketplace. If you DON'T see what OE parts you need, please contact us as noted BELOW. [For PERFORMACE PARTS see]
*** About our "HANDLING CHARGES": Bidding, Acquiring, Transporting, Accumulating, Maintaining and Storing and insuring these hard-to-find Viper Parts has been our specialty for over 22 years. We price our inventory of parts fairly, and competitively with most Dodge Dealers and vendors. However: We alone have an extreme ratio of "Overhead" costs as a result of the way we must run our business. We have invested tens-of-* VPRAthousands of dollars in trasportation costs alone. Tens of thousand$ more in STORING parts for as much as 15-20 YEARS! Add Utility expenses to keep the donor parts in good condition. And dismantling, sorting, storing, -and occasionally relocating- our inventories adds even more costs.We have been aquiring and storing these parts for decades, JUST FOR YOU !
So when you see your tiny nut-and-bolt order under $20, or a nice $1000+ parts order, both receive a small handling fee as well as a shipping cost, we want you to know WHY we must attach these fees. [EXPORT NOTES: Minimum Export Fees/Postage to CANADA is about $36-$50. Invocie Will be revised to reflect export costs. Thank you for your understanding and support.]
RETURNS / REFUNDS: We sell parts. We do NOT loan out parts for diagnostic purposes. If you buy it, you own it. We do accept returns / refunds by RMA arrangements, with a 15-25% restocking fee for the expended time and effort. Email and ask for an RMA. NO REFUNDS ON ANY ELECTRICAL PARTS.
NOTE: We CANNOT accept VERBAL, phone orders unless we already have all your information on file in past 90 days. Web Or E-Mail orders ONLY please. JonB and Paul Thank You! Problems? 10 hrs/day or 360.837.3937. 9a-3p Mo-Th Pacific